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镇海炼化Ⅱ套加氢装置,系处理30×104t/a焦化汽油与50×104t/a直馏煤油的混合装置,加工能力达80×104t/a。近期,装置反应炉消耗燃料上升,催化剂活性下降,换热器换热效果变差,电耗增加,装置综合能耗已接近13kg标油/t。分析显示,装置综合能耗构成中,燃料气占50%,蒸汽占19%,电耗占23%。通过实施更换反应器上部催化剂,稳定催化剂活性,适当提高加工量以降低单耗,对换热器进行抽芯清洗堵漏,改变加氢反应的混氢点,停用反应加热炉,加强管理和优化操作等节能措施,装置能耗由2008年1~5月份的月均12.88kg标油/t,下降到9.434kg标油/t。但长远来看,装置仍存在能源的不合理利用因素,主要表现为:由于实际工况与设计有很大偏离,反应器后的换热器E201、E202/ABC换热面积不能满足换热要求,反应器出口温度升高,尚有部分热能浪费;汽提塔进料换热器E204/ABCD总换热面积为840m2,但在当前工况下,冷、热料温度均在165℃上下,二者温差很小,换热效果不理想。 Zhenhai Refining and Chemical II sets of hydrogenation unit, the Department of processing 30 × 104t / a coker gasoline and 50 × 104t / a straight-run kerosene mixing device, the processing capacity of 80 × 104t / a. Recently, the unit reactor consumes fuel, the activity of the catalyst decreases, the effect of the heat exchanger becomes worse, and the power consumption increases. The overall energy consumption of the unit is close to 13 kg of standard oil / t. Analysis shows that the device is composed of 50% fuel gas, 19% steam and 23% electricity consumption. Through the implementation of the replacement of the upper reactor catalyst to stabilize the activity of the catalyst, the appropriate increase in processing volume to reduce unit consumption, the core of the heat exchanger plugging cleaning, changing the hydrogenation reaction of hydrogen mixing point, stop the reaction furnace, to strengthen management and Energy-saving measures such as optimization of operation and equipment consumption from January to May 2008 average monthly 12.88kg standard oil / t, down to 9.434kg standard oil / t. However, in the long run, there are still unreasonable factors of energy utilization in the plant. Mainly due to the fact that the actual operating conditions deviate greatly from the design, the heat exchange area of ​​the heat exchangers E201 and E202 / ABC after the reactor can not meet the heat exchange requirements , The reactor outlet temperature increases, there is still some waste of heat; stripper feed exchanger E204 / ABCD total heat exchange area of ​​840m2, but in the current conditions, the temperature of hot and cold materials are 165 ℃ up and down, The temperature difference between the two is small, heat exchange effect is not satisfactory.
煤炭、石油和天然气是陕西的主要能源矿产资源。陕西能源矿产分布广泛,品质优良,开发历史悠久。 百年陕西能源矿产开发经历了近代的缓慢发展,抗日战争期间的加速开发以及新中
在地理信息系统和遥感技术的支持下,综合利用嘉陵江中下游地区的土地利用数据和DEM数据等,分析了该区的耕地资源现状及其对地形因子的响应,以及近50 a来耕地资源的时空变化趋