一封来自公司的通知书: 日期:2000年1月1日 致:亲爱的员工*** 主题:休假工资 我们的记录显示您在过去的一百年里没有利用过任何休假机会。我们相信您已清楚每位员工每年可以享受三个星期的带薪假,每满五年工龄还可再递增一周:未请休假者可获得相应的工资补偿。?
A Notice from the Company: Date: January 1, 2000 To: Dear Staff *** Subject: Vacation Wages Our records show that you have not used any vacation opportunities in the past 100 years. We believe you have made it clear that each employee can enjoy three weeks of paid leave each year, and each additional five years of service can be further increased by one week: Those who have not taken any vacations are entitled to the corresponding salary compensation. ?