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咖啡豹纹木蠹蛾分布很广,是常见的咖啡害虫之一,能为害多种经济作物。以幼虫在枝干内越冬,幼虫在枝干内常向上蛀食,形成30~60厘米的隧道。防治方法:①结合咖啡树整型修剪,把受害的枝条剪除,集中烧毁。②用铁丝捅入虫道把幼虫刺死。③从虫道孔注入1∶10倍敌敌畏水剂,然后用沾药的棉花塞入洞内,再用泥浆封住洞口,如此可毒杀为害咖啡主干的幼虫。介壳虫类①咖啡绿介壳虫无论成年树或幼苗均可为害,枝、叶、干、果都是为害对象。旱季发生严重,雨季虫口数量急剧下降。受害树上常有蚂蚁活动。 Coffee Leopard distribution of codling moths is one of the common coffee pests, can damage a variety of cash crops. Larvae in the branches of the winter, the larvae often eaten in the branches dry up to form a tunnel of 30 to 60 cm. Prevention methods: ① combined with the coffee tree pruning, cut off the victim’s branches, concentrated burned. ② stabbed into the worm with wire stabbed larvae. ③ from the wormhole injection of 1:10 times dichlorvos agent, and then dip the cotton into the hole with drugs, and then seal the hole with mud, so poisoning kill the main larvae of coffee. Scale insects ① coffee green scale insects, adult trees or seedlings can be harmful, branches, leaves, stems and berries are the object of harm. Severe dry season, the number of insect population drops sharply during the rainy season. The victim tree often ants activities.
原油和炼制物流中常含有许多酸性非烃化合物 ,如硫化物、环烷酸、酚等 ,导致成品油硫含量、腐蚀、酸度等超标。传统的处理方法是进行碱洗精制 ,即用 Na OH溶液与油品中的酸性
摩托车遥控式防盗报警器具有自动报警及无线遥控锁闭点火系统的功能。在摩托车上安装这种装置,骑乘人员只要按动一下手中的遥控器,摩托车就会被自动锁闭,无法点 Motorcycle
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曹德旺认为慈善行为与企业经营相互促进,“企业间的竞争,最后决胜负的关键往往掌握在品德手上。” “豪捐”冲击波中国有没有比尔·盖茨式的企业家?现在看来,至少在慈善领域