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1马言相信整整两年零三个月的时间,这座北方的边陲城市已经将他忘得干干净净。本来在这座城市里也没几个人认识他,倒是很多场面上的人在那家档次很高的酒店里吃过他做的色香味俱全的菜,但是他知道,没有人会在推杯换盏间想到是谁做的菜。他马言就是一个小厨师。他马言不在祥龙酒店做菜了,祥龙酒店照样生意兴隆。马言为这个计划整整准备了两年零三个月,这两年中,他没再做厨师,而是在南方做了一家娱乐公司的保安。两年来,他把自己的身体练得结结实实,臂力过 Ma Yan believed that for two and a half years, the northern border town had forgotten to clean it up. There were not many people in this city who knew him. Instead, many people in the scene had eaten colored and aroma dishes in the high-grade hotel, but he knew nobody would push the cups I thought of who made the dishes. His horse is a little chef. His horse did not make food in Xianglong Hotel, Xianglong hotel business is still booming. For two years and three months, Ma Yan planned for the entire program. During these two years, he was no longer a chef, but a security guard for an entertainment company in the South. In the past two years, he has practiced his own body well and practically
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美国国防部20世纪60年代后期,美国“船帆座号”军用人造卫星绕地球轨道运行,通过寻找原子弹爆炸发出的伽马射线爆闪监测1963年的 In the late 1960s of the US Department o
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