有人用“激情燃烧的岁月”来形容2002年中国的数码相机市场,很多消费者在近年完成了与数码相机的“第一次亲密接触”。数码相机作为一种时尚家电,成为许多家庭的必须品,特别为年轻人所青睐! 拥有数码相机后,如何将拍摄的图片变成高质量的相片输出,有时令人头痛。用喷墨打印机输出的相片,
Some people used “passion burning years” to describe the digital camera market in China in 2002, and many consumers completed the first intimate contact with digital cameras in recent years. As a fashion appliance, digital cameras have become a necessity for many families, especially for young people! With digital cameras, it is sometimes a headache to turn the pictures into high-quality photo output. With inkjet printer output photos,