
来源 :黑龙江八一农垦大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheer4you
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本文介绍了用小麦体细胞离体培养的成苗技术,并明确用未成熟胚、幼穗以及嫩叶作外植体均可形成愈伤组织,但只有未成熟胚和幼穗的愈伤组织才分化出幼苗。幼穗的发育阶段对愈伤组织的形成无影响,但未成熟胚却不一样,采样过早不能长出愈伤组织,过迟自外植体直接长出幼苗数量多,影响愈伤组织的形成。研究认为以授粉12—14天的未成熟胚做外植体最好,愈伤组织形成的多,直接长出幼苗的外植体数量少。用根腐病菌毒素作选择压力,6%的毒素压力幼胚外植体可诱导成苗,12%的毒素压力虽也可形成愈伤组织,但未能获得成活的幼苗。品种对真菌毒素的耐力可能不同,因而各自的外植体及其愈伤组织对毒素的耐力也可能不一样,所以用毒素选择压力强度应根据品种确定。 In this paper, the seedling technology of in vitro culture of wheat somatic cells was introduced. The calluses were clearly formed using immature embryos, young spikes and young leaves as explants. However, only callus of immature embryos and young ears Only differentiated seedlings. The development stage of panicles did not affect the formation of callus, but the immature embryos were different. The premature sampling did not produce callus, and the number of seedlings that grew too late from the explants directly increased the callus form. It is considered that the best explants are immature embryos 12-14 days after pollination, the callus formed more and the number of explants growing directly is less. Root rot pathogens toxin selection pressure, 6% of the toxin pressure immature embryo explants can be induced into seedlings, although 12% of the toxin pressure can also form callus, but failed to obtain viable seedlings. Varieties may have different endurance to mycotoxins, so their respective explants and their callus may have different endurance toxins, so selecting pressure intensities with toxins should be based on the species.