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陈有文,女,1933年5月31日出生,汉族,四川资中人,中共党员,高级工程师。1956年毕业于成都工学院(现四川大学),毕生从事皮革和合成革事业,是我国皮革科技界、实业界一位不多见的,资深望重的,女性合成革研究者和实践家。自20世纪50年代中期毕业分配至上海开始,先后在上海皮革公司实验室、上海轻工业研究所、上海东方红制革厂、上海益民制革厂供职。从研究组组长到技术厂长,再到退休反聘,50年如一日,兢兢业业,任劳任怨,为皮革和合成革事业默默地奉献自己的壮丽青春和毕生心血。1969年由她主持研究的猪服装革酶脱毛工艺在上海华森制革厂全面投产,是当年全国制革酶脱毛研究成果的亮点之一。20世纪70年代开始,转入合成革的研究和实践,80年代初,参与创建并主持上海益民制革厂合成革车间投产营运,业绩斐然。主要成果有“单层结构抛光布”,获上海市手工业局优秀新产品奖、国防部科工办科学技术成果四等奖(1979年获奖,1995年获专利证书);“合成革(湿法)生产工艺设备”(中试)获轻工业部科学技术重大成果二等奖(1980年);“大规模集成电路基础材料—双层结构抛光布”,获国家科学技术进步三等奖(1987年)。现系上海市皮革技术协会会员,上海市退(离)休高级专家协会会员。 Chen Youwen, female, born May 31, 1933, Han nationality, Sichuan Zizhong Ren, CPC member, senior engineer. He graduated from Chengdu Institute of Technology (now Sichuan University) in 1956 and has been engaged in the cause of leather and synthetic leather all his life. He is a rare and highly regarded researcher and practitioner in the field of leather science and technology and industry in China. Graduated from the mid-1950s graduated to Shanghai began to distribute, in Shanghai Leather Laboratory, Shanghai Institute of Light Industry, Shanghai Dongfanghong tannery, Shanghai Yimin tannery. From the research team leader to the technical director, to the retirement of anti-hire, 50 years as one day, work conscientiously, hard working, quietly devote themselves to the cause of leather and synthetic leather his magnificent youth and life-long devotion. In 1969 she presided over the study of pig garment leather enzymatic hair removal process in Shanghai Watson tannery fully operational, is the national tanning enzyme hair removal one of the highlights of the research results. Since the 1970s, the research and practice of synthetic leather has been transferred into the world. In the early 1980s, it participated in the establishment and operation of the synthetic leather workshop of the Shanghai Yimin tannery. The main achievements are “single-layer structure polishing cloth”, by the Handicraft Bureau of Shanghai Excellent New Product Award, Science and Technology Department of Defense Science and Technology to do the fourth prize of scientific and technological achievements (1979 award, 1995 patent certificate); “synthetic leather ) ”Production Process Equipment“ (Pilot) won the second prize of Major Achievements in Science and Technology of Light Industry Ministry (1980); ”Large-scale Integrated Circuit Materials - Double Structure Polishing Cloth" won the third prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award (1987 ). Now a member of Shanghai Leather Technology Association, Shanghai retreat (from) Hugh senior expert association.
[本刊讯](记者 李东周)7月1日,财政部、国家发改委、工信部、环保部联合下发《环保“领跑者”制度实施方案》.根据《方案》,建立环保“领跑者”制度以企业自愿为前提,通过表