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主持人:生命健康权是每一个公民的首要权利。人人都要保护自己的生命健康权,尤其是未成年人。因为未成年人在社会上是一个弱势群体,极易受到他人的伤害。正因为如此,才会出台《未成年人保护法》。未成年人的保护要靠父母、老师以及其他成年人,还要靠未成年人自己。父母、老师以及其他成年人保护毕竟是外因,未成年人自己的保护则是内因。内因是根本,外因条件。我们未成年人要充分发挥自己的主观能动性,学会自我保护,这样才能使各种外因条件更好地起作用。然而在现实生活中,确实有不少未成年人不知道如何保护自己,以至于受到伤害时束手无策。为此,我们在“生存之道”栏目里陆续向大家介绍“自护训练100招”,目的是让未成年人增强自我保护意识,培养自我保护的能力,并在中小学生中开展有效的自护训练,让家人放心,也让学校老师放心,使我们的青少年朋友懂得生命的可贵,生活的美好。真正让生命之花常开不败,绽放出绚丽的光彩。我们热切地希望中小学生及其家长、中小学老师投入这一活动,帮助孩子学会自我保护。我们的讨论方式是:一事一议一招术。这一期的几个案例,选自南京市第二十九中学的同学及其指导老师共同探讨的问题:如何防止他人伤害自己。希望未成年学生及其家长、中小学老师来稿,参与讨论。 Moderator: The right to life and health is the primary right of every citizen. Everyone must protect his right to life and health, especially minors. Because minors are a vulnerable group in society, they are extremely vulnerable to others. Because of this, will be promulgated “Protection of Minors Act.” The protection of minors relies on parents, teachers and other adults, but also on minors themselves. The protection of parents, teachers and other adults, after all, is the external cause, and the protection of minors themselves is internal. Internal factors are fundamental and external conditions. We minors should give full play to their subjective initiative and learn to protect themselves in order to make various external conditions work better. However, in real life, there are indeed many minors who do not know how to protect themselves so that they are at a loss if they are hurt. To this end, we introduced “Self-care Training 100 strokes” one after another in the section entitled “The Way of Survival.” The purpose is to enable minors to enhance their awareness of self-protection and to develop their own ability to protect themselves and carry out effective self-protection among primary and secondary school students Nursing training, rest assured that the family, but also to reassure school teachers, so that our young friends understand the precious life, good life. Really let the flowers of life often unbeaten, bloom brilliant glorious. We earnestly hope that primary and secondary school students and their parents, primary and secondary school teachers can devote themselves to this activity to help children learn to protect themselves. Our method of discussion is: one thing and one action. Several cases of this issue, from the 29th Nanjing Middle School students and their instructors to discuss the issue: how to prevent others from hurting themselves. Hope that minor students and their parents, primary and secondary school teachers to draft, participate in the discussion.
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