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在云岭东缘大山的腹地,一条小河蜿蜒曲折,汇集了众多的山箐溪水,在两岸青山之间喧哗着,从我们村前流过。它是纳溪河的上游,在我们村前冲出龙截山垭口,往西直扑山外宾川坝子的万顷沃野。少年时,我曾沿着这条小河,进入过幽深的古典诗境,在两岸山峰剪裁得时窄时宽的天空下,往前走,再往前走,幻想在这大山的褶皱里,没准也能找到个桃花源。想象自己就是那个头戴斗笠,身 In the hinterland of the mountains on the eastern edge of Yunling, a small river twists and turns, bringing together a large number of mountain streams, noises between the two sides of the Castle Peak, flowing from our village. It is the upper reaches of the Naxi River, in front of our village rushed out of the Long Jieshan Pass, west straight into the mountains outside Binchuan Bazi million hectares of fertile land. When I was a teenager, I went down this stream and entered the deep classical poetic landscape. Under the narrow and wide sky cut by the mountains on both sides of the Strait, I walked forward and walked forward. Can also find a peach blossom source. Imagine yourself wearing that hat, body
三角函数的最值是三角函数中最基本的内容 ,也是历来高考的热点 .对这类问题只要我们找到恰当的方法 ,就可以简捷地求解 .具体方法如下 :一、配方法利用二次函数配方后 ,根据
遏止e zhi、遏制e zhi、扼制ezhi,三个近音词都是动词,使用时易混淆。遏止:用力阻止。“遏止”是个不及物动词,在句中不带宾语。如: 文化的改革如长江大河的流行,无法遏止,
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