Delineation on Therapeutic Significance of Transporters as Molecular Targets of Drugs

来源 :中草药(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigwbiso
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Transporters are membrane proteins mediating permeation of organic and inorganic solutes through the plasma membrane and membranes of intracellular organella.They play essential roles in the epithelial absorption and cellular uptake of nutrients as well as absorption,distribution,metabolism,and excretion of drugs.Because transporters contribute to determining the distribution of compounds in the body in concert with metabolic/synthetic enzymes,the drugs that affect the functions of transporters are expected to alter the distribution of compounds in the body and to ameliorate disrupted homeostasis.In this context,drugs targeting transporters have been used clinically.Such drugs include antidepressants targeting monoamine transporters,diuretics targeting inorganic ion transporters of renal tubules,and uricosuric agents targeting renal urate transporters.Now new transporter-targeting drugs designed based on post-genome drug development strategy have been in the process of clinical trials or basic/clinical researches.For example,the inhibitors of renal Na
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通过对陇东绒山羊的选育和提高,组建了陇东优质高产绒山羊群,其成年公母羊产绒量分别为693.75±135.29 g和493.46±93.78 g,和陇东绒山羊新品系公母羊相比,产绒量显著提高(P0