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如今,年轻的夫妇们大多比较注重孩子的营养。而提到营养,他们往往认为只要给孩子吃鸡、鸭、鱼肉、虾等就可以了。其实,合理的营养在于平衡膳食。儿童的平衡膳食,首先是热量和各种营养素,种类齐全、数量充足,比例适宜,并与机体的需要即各种代谢,维持平衡,满足其生理需要,符合其消化系统的特点。肉、禽、鱼、蛋等动物性食品能提供大量的优质蛋白质,当然具有很高的营养价值,但它们都属酸性食品,如果 Nowadays, most of the young couples pay more attention to children’s nutrition. And referring to nutrition, they often think that as long as the children eat chicken, duck, fish, shrimp and so on it. In fact, reasonable nutrition is to balance the diet. Children’s balanced diet, first of all, calories and various nutrients, the full range, adequate quantity, appropriate proportion, and the body’s needs that a variety of metabolism, to maintain balance and meet their physiological needs, in line with its digestive system characteristics. Animal foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and the like can provide a large amount of high-quality protein, of course, have high nutritional value, but they are all acidic foods. If
Bipyridylporphyrin derivatives possessing a porphyrin moiety as the electron donor and bipyridyl moiety as the electron–acceptor were designed and synthesized
Asymmetrical conjoined twins or heteropagus twins are extremely rare. They ar e characterized by an incomplete component (parasite) that is normally smaller a n
Here, a new idea was proposed for template-free synthesis of hierarchical m-ZrO_2 nanorods and “their” possible formation mechanism based on a series of chemi
从济南乘汽车于京沪高速公路南行约4小时,便到了山东省东南端的城市日照。 日照市不大,仅一区两县,却拥有着100公里海岸线。而其中滩涂海岸就占了64公里,且是一种自然风姿。
The aim of this work was to investigate the size-related magnetism for the single-domain Co Fe_2O_4 nano-particles synthesized using the hydrothermal method. Th