
来源 :河南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoning5188
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水稻旱种是栽培制度上一项重大改革,为水源不足地区扩种水稻开辟了新途径。但由于早种后,生态环境发生了变化,多数病虫草害相应加重危害,以致成为影响旱种能否成功的关键之一。为解决这一问题,我们组织了有关科研、推广单位,对旱种水稻病虫草害种群数量的变动进行了系统调查,制订了防治对策,并在全省旱稻区进行试验、示范、推广,获得了显著的防治效果。一、旱稻田的生态环境水稻旱种主要是“水”发生了变化。以水为中心,稻田诸生态因素也随之发生变化。 1.温度:旱稻田从播种到8月中旬拔节期,由于生育期晚,生物量小,田间覆盖度低,温度一直高于插秧田,但8月中旬 Dry cultivation of rice is a major reform in the cultivation system and opens up new avenues for paddy expansion in underserved areas. However, due to the change of ecological environment after the early planting, most of the pests, diseases and weeds have correspondingly aggravated the harm and become one of the key factors that affect the success of dry farming. In order to solve this problem, we organized relevant scientific research and extension units to systematically investigate the changes in the population of pests, diseases and weeds in the dry-cultivated rice and formulated prevention and control measures. Experiments, demonstration, popularization and acquisition were carried out in the dry rice areas of the province A significant control effect. First, the ecological environment of dry rice paddy Cultivation is mainly “water” has undergone changes. With water as the center, various ecological factors in rice fields also change. 1. Temperature: From the sowing of dry land to the jointing stage of mid August, the temperature in the dry paddy field has been higher than that in the transplanting field due to late growth period, small biomass, low field coverage and mid-August
一、春季管理春季是芦笋生长的季节,又是收获季节,加强田间管理,是夺取优质高产的关键。 1.施肥:一般在三月上旬每亩穴施碳铵50公斤左右,或尿素7.5~10公斤,以满足嫩茎早期生
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