
来源 :中共宁波市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king0083
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加快优秀的企业经营管理者队伍建设是国企改革与发展的一个重要方面 ,而选人用人则是队伍建设的关键。国企选用人才要把组织考核推荐和引入市场机制、公开向市场招聘结合起来 ,把党管干部原则和董事会依法选择经营管理者以及经营管理者依法行使用人权结合起来。 Speeding up the construction of an excellent contingent of business managers is an important aspect of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises. Selecting and employing people is the key to team building. The selection and selection of qualified personnel in state-owned enterprises should combine the examination, recommendation and introduction of market mechanism with the market recruitment and open recruitment to the market, and combine the principles of party management and cadres with the selection of managers and managers according to law by the board of directors and the exercise of human rights according to law by the board of directors.
3月24日 ,美国纳斯达克股票交易所传来一则最近消息 :当天收盘时 ,思科系统公司 (CiscoSystemsInc.)股票市值一举超过微软公司 ,成为世界第一大公司 ,一夜之间抢了比尔·盖茨
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
最近英国埃塞维尔应用科学出版公司(Elsevier Applied Science Publishers)创办一个新的季刊——国际空间结构杂志,已于今年三月出版。该刊聘请了英国瑟雷大学空间结构研究
本文主要介绍了“希望大厦”主楼上部结构体系的选择、布置、设计及计算;主楼抵抗8°地震的构造措施;主楼建筑在软土地基时基础的处理及桩基础的设计。 裙房的结构体系及基础
本文认为,要杜绝形象工程,必须树立科学的城市发展观,把科学的城市发展观落到实处,建设具有地方民族特色城市形象与标准性建筑。 This paper argues that in order to put a
当接二连三的安全事故使安监部门焦头烂额之时,当此起彼伏的治安案件使公安部门疲于应付之秋,当不时曝出的改制事件闹得国资部门不可开交之际,教育部也没闲 When successive