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为增强企业员工消防安全意识,提高员工事故应急处置及扑救初起火灾的能力,9月25日下午,由浙江省瓯海经济开发区企业社区与消防站共同组织的“瓯海经济开发区第八届非公企业文化月‘澳伦杯’消防演习大赛”在开发区横河二路举行。来自澳伦、德赛、冠盛等20家企业的80余名员工参加比赛。开发区管委会、瓯海消防分局、牛山消防中队等单位的相关领导到场观看。比赛前,开发区党委副书记李崇滔致辞,寄语园区各企业以此次消防安全演练为契机,安全意识再强化、消防水平再提高、防范意识 In order to enhance the awareness of fire safety among employees and improve the emergency handling of employees and the ability to fight the fire from the beginning, on the afternoon of September 25, the enterprise community and fire station of Ouhai Economic Development Zone in Zhejiang Province jointly organized "Ouhai Economic Development Zone Eighth Non-public Enterprise Culture Month ’Au Lun Cup’ Fire Exercises Competition ’was held in Yokogawa Road, TEDA. More than 80 employees from 20 companies including Auren, Desai and GuanSheng participated in the competition. Development Zone Management Committee, Ouhai Fire Branch, Niushan Fire Squadron and other units of the relevant leaders to watch the scene. Before the game, Li Chongtao, deputy secretary of Party Committee of Development Zone, delivered a speech and sent a speech to all enterprises in the park to take this fire safety training as an opportunity to further strengthen their safety awareness so as to raise the level of fire protection and prevent awareness
今年1月是西班牙作家塞万提斯(Miguel de Cervantes,1547-1616)的著名小说问世400周年.这部小说的全名为,第1卷于1605年出版,第2卷于1615年出版.
费氏中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium fredii)CCBAU110菌株在YMA、TY、PA、BSE 4种培养基中的生长情况的试验结果表明,该菌株在YMA中生长较快.在YMA培养基中进行的碳源利用试验表明
目的 提高对甲状旁腺腺瘤的认识.方法 对1例30岁女性患者误诊过程进行回顾分析.结果 行左侧甲状旁腺腺瘤切除术,双肾结石行ESWL治疗,排石良好,血钙、尿钙正常.随访1年半,结石
结合工程实例,从原材料到配合比再到浇筑施工等方面分析了承台大体积混凝土施工的质量控制技术要点。 Combined with engineering examples, from the raw materials to the
大肠癌(Colorectal Carcinoma)的消化道常见的恶性肿瘤.在世界范围内,以北美、西欧、澳大利亚、新西兰等国发病为多,发病率高达35-50/10万.在我国长江下游东南沿海的上海、浙