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東北大興安嶺特大森林火災已被撲滅了?F在全中國都燃起了另一股火焰——揭發批評官僚主義。發生這次一九四九年建國以來最大的、損失最嚴重的森林火災,固然是由於企業管理混亂、紀律鬆弛以及違章作業等等緣故,但領導上嚴重的官僚主義作風無疑是一個根本的原因。國務院追究了負有主要職責的林業部領導人的嚴重的官僚主義錯誤和重大的失職行為,撤消了林業部部長楊鐘和副部長董智勇的職務,並要求地方上的主管部門層層檢查、追究各自的責任。國務院在作出這一嚴肅處理决定時,特別指出這次大火也是對全國其他部門的一個嚴重警告, The forest fire in the Greater Xing’an Mountains in northeast China has been extinguished. F has sparked another flame throughout China - exposing criticism of bureaucracy. The biggest and most devastating forest fire since the founding of this country in 1949 was due to the chaos in management, lax discipline and illegal operations. However, the serious bureaucratic style of leadership is undoubtedly a fundamental cause. The State Department investigated the serious bureaucratic mistake and major misconduct of the leaders of the Ministry of Forestry who bear the main responsibilities and canceled the positions of Yang Zhong and Lin Dongyong, vice ministers of the Ministry of Forestry. They also demanded that the local competent authorities check at various levels, Hold their own responsibility. In making this solemn decision, the State Department pointed out in particular that this fire was also a serious warning to other departments in the country.
本文介绍中国教育与科研计算机网络(CERNET)建立的目的和意义,总体目标和建设方针,网络结构和主干网的拓朴结构,网络应用系统以及近期CER-NET在图书馆文献信息服务六个方面的应用 This article
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论述了制定科技情报联机检索策略的技巧,提出了制定策略时常出现的问题,并介绍了解决的方法。 Discussed the development of science and technology intelligence online