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逮捕是刑事诉讼中最为严厉的一种强制措施。为了保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益,推动刑事诉讼的顺利进行,逮捕等强制措施在适用过程中可根据犯罪嫌疑人、被告人情况及案件进展等情况的变化,予以变更强制措施种类或者解除强制措施,修改后的《刑事诉讼法》有明确规定。这些规定在保护公民人身自由权利方面虽然发挥了很大的作用,但同时也赋予了执法、司法机关,尤其是公安机关捕后变更强制措施的权力。在执法、司法实践中,捕后没有出现变更强制措施的法定条件而变更的情况时有发生,随意变更现象突出、违反程序现象突出、“以捕代侦”现象突出、“以捕促和”现象突出、“以保创收”现象突出,捕后变更强制措施的乱象正在危害执法公信,损害司法权威。依法适用和变更强制措施是执法规范化的重要内容。治理捕后变更强制措施的乱象要立足现有法律规定,从优化机制、全程跟踪、纠正违法、完善立法上勇于创新、大胆突破。 Arrests are the most severe form of coercion in criminal proceedings. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants and promote the smooth progress of criminal proceedings, such compulsory measures as apprehension may be changed during the course of application according to the changes of criminal suspects, defendants and the progress of the case, or Remove the coercive measures, the amended “Criminal Procedure Law” clearly defined. While these provisions have played a significant role in protecting the rights of citizens to personal liberty, they also give law enforcement and judicial organs, especially the public security organs, the power to post-change the coercive measures. In law enforcement and judicial practice, changes have taken place without any alteration of the statutory conditions for coercive measures. Phenomena such as arbitrary changes are prominent and violations of the procedures are prominent. “The phenomenon of arrest and investigation is prominent” Prominent “and” to protect the income "prominently, and the chaos of changing the coercive measures upon arrest is jeopardizing the credibility of law enforcement and undermining the judicial authority. Applying and changing compulsory measures according to law is an important part of law enforcement. To change the chaotic after-catching coercive measure should base itself on the existing laws and regulations, follow the whole process from the optimization mechanism, correct the illegalities, and make innovations bold and make bold breakthroughs in legislation.
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