The birth of Zhang Zhidong, who died three years before the Opium War and died two years before the Revolution of 1911, is basically the same as the history of modern Chinese history. Therefore, the political activities of his life are naturally also closely linked with the activities of celebrities in modern Chinese history, including those who flew through the ages and those who stained a thousand years. Marx said: “History is created in such a way that the end result always arises from the mutual conflicts of many individual wills, each of which is made up of many special living conditions . ”Liang Qichao also said:“ The history of this book describes the body of the social activities of human society, the school’s total score, and its causal relationship, thinking that the activities of the modern general public are also. ”This article attempts to Zhang Zhidong and its The “many individual wills clashed” in his own time, and many of his special living conditions to showcase the path he has traveled in the hope of “providing a lesson for the general human activity of the present age.”