国家武管中心领导: 十运会武术套路比赛已经圆满落下了帷 幕,运动员高超的竞技水平至今让人难以忘 怀,而严格执行的裁判制度,更是让我们印象 深刻、感慨万分。三天六场比赛,组委会、裁判 员认真努力,我们真正体会到了本次比赛公 开、公平、公正,让人心服口服。 说心服口服并非是片面恭维之词,而是我 们的真实感受。在赛前你们多次召开座谈会, 倾听各省市对于抓好赛风的意见和建议,出台 了十几个有关赛风赛纪的文件,制定了一系列 的措施。到赛地后,即召开全体运动员、教练员 动员大会,还向全国各省市的代表队做出承 诺,比赛过程中但凡对裁判判罚有异议的,可 即刻举报,同时公开了你们领导班子成员的手 机号码。力度如此之大的赛风赛纪动员让我们 感到十运武术套路赛场可能不同以往,事实的 确如此。 第一天第一场的女子南刀比赛,上海队队
National Wu Tubong Center leadership: the 10th National Games Wushu routines have come to a successful conclusion, athletes outstanding athletic performance so far unforgettable, and strict implementation of the referee system, it is even more impressive, with deep feeling. Three days and six games, the Organizing Committee, the referee work hard, we truly understand the competition open, fair, just, people convinced. Oral convincing is not a one-sided compliment, but our true feelings. Before the game, you hold a number of forums to listen to the provinces and cities for good grasp of the game’s opinions and suggestions, the introduction of a dozen documents on the Sailing Race, developed a series of measures. To the venue, that is, all the athletes, coaches to mobilize the General Assembly, but also to the provinces and cities nationwide team made a commitment during the game whenever the referee fined dissent, immediately report, at the same time open the members of your leadership cellphone number. The intensity of such a race to race sailing makes us feel that the ten athletes martial arts track may be different from the past, the fact is true. The first day of the first game of the South Nao, Shanghai team