
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragoncon
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穿地龙是薯额科多年生缠绕性草本植物,根茎广泛用于制药,是需求量较大的中药材,具有较高的经济价值和市场价值。近年来,由于破坏性、掠夺式的采挖,造成穿地龙野生资源逐渐减少。在退耕还林地间作穿地龙是山区农民充分利用当地森林资源,一次栽植成功多年受益,是一项投资少,见效快,适合发展林下经济的好项目。一、间作方式幼树栽植行距400厘米,株距400厘米,在行间靠幼树栽植行两侧各留160厘米,中间80厘米间距内作畦,畦宽80厘米,在畦上种植穿地龙。 To wear the dragon is potato tuberous perennial winding herbs, rhizomes widely used in medicine, is the demand for larger Chinese herbal medicines, with high economic value and market value. In recent years, due to the destructive and predatory excavation, the wild dragon resources have been gradually reduced. It is a good project for the peasants in mountainous areas to make full use of the local forest resources in the area of ​​returning cultivated land to forests for the benefit of one planting and for many years. It is a good project with less investment and quick results and suitable for developing economic under-forests. First, intercropping saplings planting spacing of 400 cm, plant spacing of 400 cm, saplings by planting lines on both sides of each stay 160 cm, the middle of 80 cm spacing within the 畦, 畦 wide 80 cm, planting 地 on the ground to wear the dragon.
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Machine Leing studies how to improve the performances of computer systems through experiences. The experiences generally appear in historical data, and machine
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