Particle Residence Time in Column Flotation Based on Cyclonic Separation

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nanlulgd
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The cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation (FCSMC) is an effective separation device for fine particle treatment. The high mineralization rate and short flotation time of this equipment can be attributed to its unique cyclonic force field. It also has been observed that the presence of a cyclonic force field leads to a lower bottom separation size limit and a reduction of unselective entrainment. The collection zone of the column is considered to consist of two parts,a column separation zone and a cyclonic zone. Total recovery of the collection zone was developed. For our study,we analyzed the particle movement in the cyclonic zone. Particle residence time equations for the cyclonic zone were de-rived by force analysis. Results obtained in this study provide a theoretical foundation for the design and scale-up of the FCSMC. The cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation (FCSMC) is an effective separation device for fine particle treatment. The high mineralization rate and short flotation time of this equipment can be attributed to its unique cyclonic force field. It also has has been observed that the presence of a cyclonic force field leads to a lower bottom separation size limit and a reduction of unselective entrainment. The collection zone of the column is considered to consist of two parts, a column separation zone and a cyclonic zone. Total recovery of the collection zone was developed for this study, we analyzed the particle movement in the cyclonic zone. Particle residence time equations for the cyclonic zone were de-rived by force analysis. Results obtained in this study provide a theoretical foundation for the design and scale-up of the FCSMC.
西安加速器质谱计是我国第一台多核素分析的3 MV串列加速器质谱设备,可分析10Be、14C、26Al和129I等多种放射性核素,测量精度和探测灵敏度均已达到国际同类设备的最好水平。设
时顷襄王二十一年,深秋,独自漫步于江畔,沐风饮露,也不失为人生一件乐事。放眼远眺这条江,它名为汩罗。  百步之外,我看到了那猎猎的白袍,再走近数十步,我看见了他。他就这样站着,仿佛与江岩融为了一体。他,我曾无数次梦见过他,是屈平,才高八斗,能吟善赋,又胸怀大志,精于政交。楚怀王如此昏庸之辈,倚仗他,竟也能暂充诸侯盟主。可惜如今英雄遭难,被贬至湘。他注意到了我,便缓缓转身问:“君何人?”  我笑:“
本文选择昆明海口马房村附近早寒武世帽天山页岩段中部一段富含澄江生物群化石的地层剖面,对面积为58. 3m2、深度为2. 4m米的采坑采用了“层与层控制连续”采样方法进行化石采