Clinico-pathological characteristics and prognosis of Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbuminuri

来源 :China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangkai198610
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Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological data and prognosis of Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbuminuria and deposition of C3,and to investigate the significance of C3 deposition in Ig A nephropathy with microalbuminuria.Methods The clinical and pathological data of 127 Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbu- Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological data and prognosis of Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbuminuria and deposition of C3, and to investigate the significance of C3 deposition in Ig A nephropathy with microalbuminuria. Methods The clinical and pathological data of 127 Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbu-
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