大力弘扬延安精神 不断加强党的思想作风建设

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在中国共产党70年的历史征程中,延安时期是党由小到大、由弱变强的重要发展阶段,是党胜利前进、令世人瞩目的重要历史时期。在这一时期,最有影响、最值得全党难以忘怀的是,产生并形成了由毛泽东亲自倡导、全党共同培育的延安精神。延安精神作为中国共产党人的全新政治风貌、崇高思想境界和奋勇献身精神的集中体现,极大地促进了党的思想作风建设,提高了党的战斗力,推动了新民主主义革命的胜利和社会主义革命与建设事业的胜利发展。因此,认真研究延安精神在党的思想作风建设中所处的地位、作用及永恒价值,深刻认识新的历史条件下发扬延安精神的必要性和紧迫性,对于加强党的思想作风建设,保持党的工人阶级先锋队性质,具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。 During the 70-year history of the Chinese Communist Party, the important period of development of the party from small to big and weak to strong in the Yanan period is an important historic period for the victory of the party and the world’s attention. During this period, the most influential and most memorable part of the entire party was the generation and formation of the Yan’an spirit initiated by Mao Zedong and co-cultivated by the entire party. As a concentrated embodiment of the new political outlook, lofty ideological realm and courage and dedication of the Chinese Communists, Yan’an Spirit greatly promoted the building of the party’s ideological and work style, enhanced the party’s combat effectiveness and promoted the victory of the new-democratic revolution and the socialist revolution Victory and development of construction. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to study Yan’an’s position, role and eternal value in building the party’s ideological style. It is necessary and urgent to profoundly understand the importance of carrying forward the spirit of Yan’an under the new historical conditions. The nature of the vanguard of the working class has extremely important theoretical and practical significance.
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