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在毛主席革命路线指引下,丽水地区的广大贫下中农、革命干部和科技人员,遵循毛主席关于“阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验,是建设社会主义强大国家的三项伟大革命运动”的教导,以阶级斗争和路线斗争为纲,认真看书学习,狠抓革命,猛促生产,掀起了群众性科学实验运动的新高潮。他们有水走水路,无水走旱路,一熟改二熟,二熟改三熟,提高复种指数,全面贯彻落实农业“八字宪法”。一九七一年在山区半山区大面积试种连作稻,取得良好收成。庆元公社南门大队试种麦连作稻10余亩,平均亩产达1843斤,其中第三队三亩新三熟,平均亩产 Guided by Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the vast number of the poor peasants and middle peasants and revolutionary cadres and scientific and technological personnel in Lishui follow the teachings of Chairman Mao on the “three great revolutionary movements in building a powerful socialist country” in “class struggle, productive struggle and scientific experiment.” . Taking class struggle and line struggle as the key link, studying hard and earnestly reading books, paying close attention to the revolution, and pushing hard for production have set off a new upsurge in the mass scientific experiment. They have the water to go the waterway, take the dry roads without water, change the second crop to the second crop, change the third crop to the second crop, raise the multiple cropping index, and comprehensively implement the “Eight Character Constitution” of agriculture. In 1971, a large area of ​​semi-mountainous area in mountainous area was planted with continuous cropping rice and a good harvest was obtained. Qingyuan commune South Gate Brigade tried to cultivate even more than 10 acres of rice, the average yield of 1843 pounds, of which the third team of three acres of new three cooked, the average yield per mu
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IRphotonics是一家提供先进红外光纤及材料的领先供应商,该公司最近发布了一款II-V中红外光纤。该光纤应用领域非常广泛,包括红外对抗系统、化 IRphotonics, a leading prov