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党的十三大的召开对深化新闻改革,加强舆论监督,提供了一个很好的机遇。近来新闻报道有了较大变化,透明度增强了,不同的声音在报纸上多起来了。但总的来说,新闻改革的步子还迈得不大,尤其是地、州、市级党报,在这方面还遇到不小阻力,步履更为艰难。当前,继续解放思想,加强舆论监督,乃是新闻改革所面临的一个最突出的问题,也是有关党报功能的一个根本性问题。本文想就此谈点肤浅的看法。 The convening of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has provided a good opportunity for deepening news reform and strengthening public opinion supervision. Recent news reports have undergone major changes, transparency has increased, and different voices have proliferated in the newspapers. However, in general, the pace of reform in the news media has not taken off too much. In particular, the party newspapers at prefectural, municipal and municipal levels have met with not only small resistance but also more difficult steps. At present, continuing to emancipate the mind and strengthening public opinion supervision are the most prominent issues facing the reform of the news and a fundamental issue concerning the function of party newspapers. This article would like to comment on this superficial view.
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