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观音大士退休习画,以其道行高深,悟性超凡,不久卓然成家,蜚声天国。诸天神佛多来求画,她有求必应。大士退休后,观音殿易名罗汉堂,仍属天国国家单位,经费由财神殿拨发。各种因公开支,均可报销。有日罗汉堂开会,某罗汉建议,请老上司观音大士赐画五百幅,用以美化本堂之环境,广善男信女之招徕,对宏扬佛法,大有裨益。诸罗汉对建议的实质,心领神会,于是一致热烈鼓掌通过。并立即选派代表晋呈求画书。犬士阅毕,连称“善哉”。但说五百幅画,难以一挥而就,只能逐幅交卷。代表闻之,正中下怀,连忙叩谢。此后,观音每送一画,罗汉堂即回送请柬一份。内文均系“蒙赐墨宝,满堂生辉。敬备薄酌,聊表谢忱……”此时天国已进入开放时代,清规戒律一概消除。观音也早已开荤。但她究非酒肉之徒,鲜口腹之欲,但盛情难却,是以有请必到。每宴宾主共五百零一名,筵开五十席。席上山珍海味,应有尽有;洋酒美烟,无所不备。皆因系因公设宴,席金出自公帑, Guanyin Tuo retired painting practice, with its preaching, insightful extraordinary, soon Zoran married, world renowned. Gods and gods have come to seek painting, she is responsive. After the retired of Tuas, the Kwun Yam Temple was renamed as Lohan Church and was still a national unit of the Kingdom of Heaven, financed by the Temple of the Treasure. A variety of public spending, can be reimbursed. There is a meeting of Japanese han hantang, a Luohan suggested that the old boss Guanyin painting bestowed 500, in order to beautify the environment of the church, invigorating the men and women enlisting, to promote the Dharma, great benefit. The Arhats were applauded by the unanimous approval of the substance of the proposal. And immediately send a representative to ask for a picture book. Dogs read completed, even the “good zai.” But to say that 500 paintings are hard to swing, they can only be handed over one by one. On behalf of the smell, the middle and the back, quickly thank you. Since then, each sent a picture Guanyin, Luo Han Tang sent back a invitations. Department of the text are “Mongolian bestowed, full of brilliance. Treat yourself to discuss, thank you ... ...” At this time the kingdom has entered an open era, rules and regulations will be eliminated altogether. Guanyin has long been dirty. But she studies non-alcoholic flesh, fresh appetite, but Passion is difficult, so please be sure to. Each guest host a total of 500, feast open fifty seats. Seats delicacies, everything; wine American smoke, nothing. Because of the Department due to public banquet, Xi Jin from public money,
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