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城管执法的硬法之治就是以国家强制力作为执行保障的法律法规来规制城管执法行为,充分发挥硬法刚性、确定、强制等特征,确保城管执法活动的顺利进行,规制城管执法的行为。城管执法的软法之法,就是指不直接依赖于国家强制力的保障的软法律来规范城管执法的行为,将软法的柔性、协商、互动、共识、灵活、自愿的特征和执法方式应用到城管执法中,规制城管活动。城管执法一直是人们关注的焦点,而现有立法对城管执法的规制乏力。很有必要正确处理好对城管执法的硬法和软法的规制关系,做到软硬兼施,相得益彰。 Urban law enforcement is the rule of law is the use of state coercion as the implementation of security laws and regulations to regulate urban law enforcement behavior, give full play to the rigidity of the law, to determine and force characteristics to ensure the smooth implementation of urban management law enforcement activities, regulation of urban management law enforcement behavior. The soft law of urban management law enforcement refers to the soft law that does not directly depend on the guarantee of state coercion to regulate urban management law enforcement and applies the flexible, negotiated, interactive, consensus, flexible and voluntary characteristics of soft law and law enforcement methods To urban management law enforcement, urban management activities. Urban management law enforcement has always been the focus of attention, while the existing legislation on the urban management law enforcement weak. It is necessary to correctly handle the strict relationship between the law of urban management and that of law of soft law so as to complement each other.
介绍了国外航空产品的防火试验考核要求,以及有关的试验设备和方法,并提出了针对防火试验要求的产品设计思路。 The requirements for fire test and assessment of foreign a
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我喜欢周梦蝶的那一首《我选择》:“我选择紫色。我选择早睡早起、早出早归。我选择冷粥,破砚,晴窗;忙人之所闲而闲人之所忙……”几十行诗从头到尾全是“我选择”。人生当然要有所选择,人各有志,人各有选择。观其所选择,可知其人。  我也有选择,我选择在外面,在潮流的外面,在时尚的外面,在圈子的外面,在种种潜规则、明规则的外面。既然格格不入,索性待在外面,反而舒服,反而体面。里面、外面,各有得失。选择在外面