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杉木细菌性叶枯病是近几年新发现的一种病害,在丘陵山区杉木林中均有发生,一般造成针叶和枝梢枯死,严重时全株受害死亡,对杉木生长影响很大。病原菌为细菌,针叶上典型病斑对光透视,四周有透明圈,但在枝梢上和已枯死的针叶上却没有这种特征,并且不同的品种、不同的季节,症状也不一致。因此,对杉木细菌性叶枯病菌的诊断按常规方法一般要通过显微镜检查,有时还要进行分高培养等手续才能检定。但在条件不具备的情况下,此法比较困难。最近我们在工作中找到一种简易的速测方法,现介绍于下; 首先摘取有病斑的杉木叶,再沿病斑部位用刀片切成一毫米左右宽的小块,平铺在载玻片上(或其他无色的玻璃片),每块玻片上可放2~3块切片组织,然后滴上数滴清水,盖上一块载玻片,如两玻片间有气泡或空隙,可在两玻片夹缝间续滴清水把空气排出。此时,如切片组织为细菌病原菌,则在1~2分钟内(有时不到一分钟),用普通手持扩大镜透视即可见到切口四周有棉絮状白色菌泥或白色云雾混浊状溢出,十分钟后,菌泥即显著扩展,用肉眼即可识别。而正常生长的杉木叶或非细菌性的病叶组织均无此现象出现。 The bacterial leaf blight of Firs is a newly discovered disease in recent years. It occurs in the Chinese fir forest in the hilly and mountainous areas, and usually causes the needles and shoots to die. In severe cases, the whole plant dies and the impact on the growth of Chinese fir is very large. The pathogen is bacteria. The typical lesion on the needles is transparent to light. There are transparent circles around it. However, there are no such features on the shoots and dead needles. And different varieties, different seasons and symptoms are inconsistent. Therefore, the diagnosis of bacterial bacterial leaf blight by conventional methods generally go through the microscope, and sometimes sub-high-level culture and other procedures to test. However, the conditions are not available, this method is more difficult. Recently, we found a simple quick test method in our work, which is introduced below. First, remove the diseased cedar leaves and then cut them into pieces of about one millimeter in width along the lesion site, Slides (or other colorless glass), each slide can be placed on the 2 to 3 slices of tissue, and then dripped a few drops of water, cover with a slide, such as between the two slide with bubbles or voids, Continue to drip the air between the two slide clamps. At this point, if the slice is a bacterial pathogen, within 1 to 2 minutes (sometimes less than a minute), with a general hand-held magnifying glass fluoroscopy white fluffy mud or white clouds around the incision can be seen turbid overflow ten Minutes later, the sludge is significantly expanded, with the naked eye can be identified. The normal growth of Chinese fir leaf or non-bacterial diseased leaves are not the phenomenon of this phenomenon.
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摘 要 对于初中英语教学来讲,是提高学生英语能力的重要阶段,因此需要在这一阶段使用良好的教学方法,才能够更好地提供初中英语的教学质量,进而提高初中学生的英语实际运用能力。因此,本文通过简要介绍了目前在初中英语课堂教学中,进行西方文化导入的必要性,进而提出了如何巧用西方文化导入,提高初中英语课堂教学质量的策略。  【关键词】西方文化;文化导入;初中教学;教学质量  初中英语是为学生学习英语打下基础的