茉莉花具有较高的观赏和药用价值,不仅农村可种,城市也可种,家家户户的房前屋后阳台屋顶均可栽培,既美观,可供观赏,又可食用,放进茶叶饮用,更是香味好原料,广西横县的茉莉花种植户通过多年的实践,摸索出一套茉莉花高产栽培技术,现介绍如下: 1.合理密植。宜选用排灌方便、肥沃的沙质壤土栽种。土壤深耕整地,作1.3m宽的龟背状畦。种植行距65cm,穴距33cm,穴深25cm。每667m2施土杂肥3000kg、过磷酸钙25kg作穴底基肥。每穴种3株,株距10cm,呈三角形。每667m2约栽1万株,栽后覆土压实,盖平畦面后浇透定苗水。 2.适时中耕。每年分别3、5、7月中耕,深度
Jasmine has a high ornamental and medicinal value, not only can be planted in rural areas, the city can also be species, every household’s front and rear balcony roof can be cultivated, both beautiful, for viewing, but also edible, into the tea drink, and more Is a good smell of raw materials, jasmine farmers in Heng County in Guangxi through years of practice, worked out a set of high-yielding cultivation techniques Jasmine, are as follows: 1. Reasonable close planting. Irrigation should be easy to use, fertile sandy loam planting. Soil plowing site preparation, for 1.3m wide turtle-like 畦. Planting spacing 65cm, hole distance 33cm, hole depth 25cm. Every 667m2 soil hybrid fertilizer 3000kg, superphosphate 25kg acupoint base fertilizer. 3 per hole, plant spacing 10cm, triangular. Planted about 10,000 plants per 667m2, planted soil after compaction, covered with flat surface after pouring Dingmiao water. 2. timely cultivation. March, July and July each cultivator, depth