迎接知识经济挑战 加快水利科技创新

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当今世界是知识和信息飞速发展的时代,科学技术已成为生产力发展的主要因素,信息、技术和人才在经济活动中的作用越来越明显。知识经济犹如一场无声的革命,对人们现有的生产、生活和思维方式、行为规范都将发生强列冲击和深远影响。21世纪将是知识经济的时代,已是一个不容争辩的事实。 一、知识经济的内涵及特征 知识经济是和农业经济、工业经济相对应的一个概念。1996年,联合国经济合作与发展组织在一份《以知识为基础的经济》的报告中,对知 Nowadays the world is an era of rapid development of knowledge and information. Science and technology have become the major factors in the development of productive forces. The role of information, technology and human resources in economic activities has become increasingly evident. The knowledge-based economy is like a silent revolution, which will have an impulsive and far-reaching impact on people’s current production, living and thinking modes and codes of conduct. The 21st century will be an era of knowledge-based economy. It is an indisputable fact. First, the connotation and characteristics of knowledge economy Knowledge economy is a concept corresponding to agricultural economy and industrial economy. In 1996, the United Nations Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in a “knowledge-based economy” report, known
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A pervasive increase in mercury concentration in fish from lakes, made the problem of transport and transform of mercury in the limnology ecosystem concerned de
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求学 走出大山 山西省壶关县紫团山,一个太行大峡谷里的奇峰险岭,自古乃兵家苦争死战之地,曹操曾在《苦寒行》中吟此地行路之艰难,景象之凄凉,地情之苦寒。由于地况甚苦,