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The poly(β-hydroxybutyrate)/poly(d,1-lactide)(PHB/PLA)blend was foundto be immiscible,the melting point and the phase crystallinity of PHB were independent of
Complex of meso-tetra-(1-naphthyl)tetrabenzo-porphyrin withholmium acetylacetonate,Ho(TNTBP)acac(TNTBP:meso-tetra-(1-naphthyl)tetrabenzoporphyrin.Hacac:acetylac
Allylation of terminal epoxides(1)to give the homoallylic alcohols(2)andbishomoallylic alcohols(3)can be carried out successfully by allyl bromide andmetallic z
3-Methylthio-5-hydroxy-1,2,4-triazine(1c)reacted withsubstituted benzenesulfonyl chloride to give 3-methylthio-5-oxy-1,2,4-triazin-6-ylpyridinium betaine(4)in anhyd
近日,杭州华丰纸业有限公司被上海烟草(集团)公司评选为2000~2001年度上海烟草(集团)公司卷烟材料优秀供应方。 这次评选,上海烟草(集团)公司从依法规范经营、以客户为中心、
Here reported the ester exchange of DIPP-His with primaryalcohols and found that the rate of this reaction was increased asthe increment of the carbon chain of
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家住山乡,山上石头多。我家四间屋均用石砌成,既 坚实又稳固。门前石级台阶,屋后石垒小院,满目皆石,极具山乡气息。 在那土壤不多的石隙,我喜欢栽上牡丹、芍药、松、竹、梅、