为了解红桥区成年人群中的吸烟现状,制订今后控烟的干预措施,现对该区丁字沽街社区人群吸烟现状进行调查。1 材料与方法1.1 资料来源 资料来源于红桥区丁字沽街,经整群抽样,抽出10个居委会并经随机抽样对951名30岁以上居民进行调查。男、女比例为1∶1.1。1.2 调查方法 调?
To understand the status quo of smoking among adults in Hongqiao District and to formulate future tobacco control interventions, the current smoking status quo of people in the population of Dingzi Street in the area is investigated. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Sources of Information The data were collected from Ding Zi Street in Hongqiao District. After cluster sampling, 10 residents’ committees were drawn out and 951 residents over the age of 30 were investigated through random sampling. Male and female ratio is 1: Survey method adjustment?