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遵照市委、市政府的部署,由市委常委、副市长张廷富率领市政府考察团,于5月中旬赴山东诸城等地就国有企业产权制度改革情况进行了学习考察。现将学习考察情况报告如下: 一、诸城企业产权制度改革的基本经验 诸城市位于山东半岛东南部,总面积2183平方公里,27个乡镇,1339个行政村,160万亩耕地,104万人,其中农业人员90万。1987年撤县建市,是一个山区丘陵多、自然条件差、资源比较贫乏,不靠铁路、高速公路,不靠港口、码头,不靠大中城市的县级市。改革开放以前,是一个工业基础薄弱的典型的农业大县、工业小县、财政穷县。1992年以来,他们以党的十四大和十四届三中全会精神为指针,认真贯彻党中央,国务院关于深化 In accordance with the deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the city party committee’s standing committee and deputy mayor Zhang Tingfu lead the delegation of the municipal government. In mid-May, they went to Zhucheng, Shandong and other places for a study tour of the reform of the state-owned enterprise property rights system. Now I will study the situation report as follows: I. Basic experience of Zhucheng’s property rights system reform Zhucheng is located in the southeast of the Shandong Peninsula, with a total area of ​​2,183 square kilometers, 27 townships, 1,339 administrative villages, 1.6 million mu of cultivated land, and 1.04 million people. There are 900,000 agricultural workers. The county-building city was repealed in 1987. It is a county-level city with many hilly hills, poor natural conditions, and relatively poor resources. It does not rely on railways, expressways, ports or docks, or large or medium-sized cities. Prior to the reform and opening up, it was a typical agricultural county with a weak industrial base, small industrial counties, and poor financial counties. Since 1992, they have taken the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee as the guidelines and conscientiously implemented the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s deepening
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