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12月28日,庆祝吉林人民出版社成立六十周年座谈会在吉林人民出版社七楼会议厅举行。吉林人民出版社创办于1956年5月,是吉林省历史悠久、规模最大的一家综合性出版社。从吉林出版的历史沿革来看,吉林人民出版社成立之初就是省直一个重要的宣传文化单位,几经变化又从中分离出省出版局、省出版总社,但是一直保留吉林人民出版社的建制和名称。前30年吉林人民出版社基本上是管办合一、政事一体的省直管理机构。所以说,吉林人民出版社前30年的发展史,也是吉林省出版业前30年的发展史。 On December 28, the forum for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of Jilin People’s Publishing House was held in the conference hall on the 7th floor of Jilin People’s Publishing House. Founded in May 1956, Jilin People’s Publishing House is a comprehensive publishing house with a long history and the largest scale in Jilin Province. From the historical evolution of Jilin publishing point of view, Jilin People’s Publishing House is an important provincial propaganda and cultural unit, after several changes and from the Provincial Publishing Bureau, the provincial publishing headquarters, but has always retained the establishment of Jilin People’s Publishing House And name. The first 30 years of Jilin People’s Publishing House is basically a unified management, political and administrative integrity of the provincial regulatory agencies. Therefore, the development history of the first 30 years of Jilin People’s Publishing House is also the history of the past 30 years of publishing industry in Jilin Province.
说来也许令人难以置信 ,一位台商在他上任短短的半年左右的时间里 ,几乎访遍了所有的员工家庭 ,员工们亲切地称他为“咱们的陈先生”。这位台商就是远东化纺 (南通 )有限公司
StudyonCarburizingandTemperatureRisingoftheSemi-SteelMeltwithPlasmaHeatingYuanZhangfu①,ZengJiaqing①,HuangDaochang①,WanTianji①... Study on Carburizing and Temperature Rising of the Semi-Steel Mtwith Plasma Heating Yuan Zhang Fu ①, Zeng Jiaqing ①, Huang Da
本文对海南少数民族地区基础英语教学加以论述。 This article discusses the basic English teaching in minority areas of Hainan.
美国东南大学获工商管理硕士学位 ;1993~1995 ,在享誉世界的LaneCrawford百货公司从事公关策划 ;1995~1996 ,精迅有限公司任公关经理 ;1997~1999,在拥有亚洲最大的观澜湖高尔夫球会的骏豪集团担任市场传讯总监 ;1999年下半