践行党的群众路线 努力满足群众“三盼”诉求

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群众路线是党的生命线和根本工作路线。践行党的群众路线,必须努力实现好、维护好、发展好广大人民群众的根本利益,赢得人民群众的信任和拥护,使党的事业深深扎根在人民群众中。当前,武隆群众有“三盼”:一盼加快发展,二盼民生改善,三盼干部清廉。要满足群众的“三盼”要求,全县党员、领导干部务必牢记为人民服务的根本宗旨,弘扬务实勤政的工作作风,全面加快经济社会快速发展,切实保障和改善民生,始终谨守好为政清廉的政治本色。 The mass line is the party’s lifeline and its basic line of work. To practice the party’s mass line, we must strive to achieve good, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the broad masses of people and win the trust and support of the masses so that the party’s cause will be deeply rooted in the masses of the people. At present, the Wulong people have “three hopes”: they hope to speed up their development, they hope the people’s livelihood will improve, and they hope the cadres will be honest and clean. In order to meet the requirements of the masses, all Party members and leading cadres in the entire county must bear in mind the fundamental purpose of serving the people, carry forward the work style of pragmatism and diligence, speed up the rapid economic and social development in an all-round way, and earnestly safeguard and improve people’s livelihood. Keep a good political clean and honest political character.
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