建设首善工会 服务首都职工——北京市新时期工会工作扫描

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当前,北京处于城市化、市场化、国际化、现代化的加速期,构建和谐社会首善之区、加快建设创新型城市,对工会工作提出了新课题、新要求。近年来,北京市总工会适应首都经济社会发展形势和职工队伍变化,以建立健全市、区县、街道乡镇工会三级服务体系建设为抓手,创新工作理念思路、体制机制、方式方法,按照“调整适应、改革创新”的工作方针和“维权要到位、服务要做实、发展要全面”的工作要求,积极参与社会管理和创新,推动工会组织和工会工作对职工的全覆盖,实现服务职工由工会自我循环向社会化格局转变,探索出了一条具有时代特征、中国特色、北京特点的城市工会工作新模式。北京市工会工作实践证明,工会作为最大的“枢纽型”社会组织,做好职工群众工作是加强和创新社会管理的重要内容,工会在协助党和政府加强和创新社会管理中大有可为;同时,参与加强和创新社会管理,也为工会组织自身建设发展拓展了广阔的空间,对增强工会组织的凝聚力,扩大影响力有着深远意义。近几年,北京市总工会主动适应形势任务的变化,按照“调整适应、改革创新”的工作方针和“维权要到位、服务要做实、发展要全面”的工作要求,在创新工作理念和工作方式、完善体制机制建设、建设服务型工会等方面进行了大胆尝试和有益探索,逐步建立起具有时代特征、中国特色、北京特点的工会工作新模式,使工会组织焕发出空前的活力,工会工作呈现出全新的局面。 At present, Beijing is in an accelerated period of urbanization, marketization, internationalization and modernization, building a zone of first virtue for a harmonious society, accelerating the building of an innovation-oriented city and putting forward new tasks and new requirements on the work of trade unions. In recent years, the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions has adapted to the economic and social development of the capital and changes in the workforce. It has taken the establishment of a sound tertiary service system for township, town, town and town trade unions as the starting point, innovative ideas, institutional mechanisms, and methods and methods, “Adjustment and adaptation, reform and innovation, ” and “the rights to be in place, services should be real, development should be comprehensive ” job requirements, and actively participate in social management and innovation, promote trade union organizations and trade unions work for the full Covering and realizing the transformation of service workers from the self-circulation of trade unions to the socialization pattern, we have explored a new mode of urban trade union work featuring the characteristics of the times, Chinese characteristics and Beijing. The practice of trade unions in Beijing proves that trade unions are the most important “hub-type” social organizations and doing a good job of working with the masses of workers and staff members is an important part of strengthening and innovating social management. The trade unions are instrumental in helping the party and government to strengthen and innovate in social management. Meanwhile, Participating in the social management of strengthening and innovating also expanded the vast space for the construction and development of the trade union organizations themselves and has far-reaching significance in enhancing the cohesion and expanding the influence of the trade union organizations. In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has taken the initiative to adapt to changes in the situation and tasks. In accordance with the work principle of “adjusting and adapting, reform and innovation” and “working requirements of safeguarding rights in place, service to be implemented and development to be comprehensive” Innovative work philosophy and working methods, perfecting institutional mechanisms and building service-oriented trade unions, a bold attempt and useful exploration have been conducted and a new model of trade union work featuring the characteristics of the times, Chinese characteristics and Beijing has been gradually established, The vitality of trade unions presents a completely new situation.
2004年11月15日至20日 ,中国档案学会影像技术委员会换届暨学术研讨会在广东省档案馆召开 ,来自全国档案部门的专家和委员共58人参加了会议。会议由影像技术委员会常务副主任