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在20世纪的最后10年中,电信经营公司正在经受着在业务环境方面的巨大变化.使用无线电、电/光缆和卫星这样一些媒体的电信经营公司,正在插足于传统电信经营公司的经营范围.谁能提供最高水平的性能可靠、灵活,谁就能获胜.用户正在设法弄清这一争夺将会怎样发展下去,他们正在对现有业务和潜在业务的经营者进行评论.只有技术先进、真正可扩展的系统才能获得各种机会并为用户所接受.传统的电信经营公司要敢冒风险,以便在竞争中获胜.有一种流行的想法是把业务和用户结合起来,也就是说一件一件地研制和安装特定的业务系统.这种办法自然会对性能和互连性产生限制,还会引起政治上的影响.对于公用电信经营公司来说,一个更符合逻辑的途径是尽 In the last decade of the twentieth century, telecom operators were experiencing dramatic changes in their business environment, and telecom operators using media such as radio, cable / satellite and satellite are getting into the business of traditional telecom operators. Who can provide the highest level of performance is reliable and flexible, and who will be able to win. Users are trying to figure out what will happen to this battle, they are on the existing business and potential business operators to comment. Only technologically advanced, real Scalable system to get all kinds of opportunities and accepted by the user.Traditional telecom companies have to take the risk in order to win the competition.A popular idea is to combine the business and users, that is, one by one The development and installation of specific business systems, which naturally limit the performance and interconnectivity and cause political consequences, is a more logical approach for the public telecoms operators
痰之保克 (transbronoho)是一种具有mucokineticandsecretolytic特性的粘痰溶解祛痰剂 ,它可用于支气管炎和其它呼吸系统疾病以助祛痰。我院内科采用美国加福尼亚大药厂生产的痰之保克 ,经临床观察 3 6例 ,并与必嗽
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美国巴尔的摩消息:研究人员在试管内培养了人脑细胞。此项研究成果可以促进创伤和疾病的研究、适于作试验药物和生长因子的模型、甚至移植技术的发展。Johns Hopkins医学中