Based on the comprehensive requirements of agricultural mechanization in the development of China’s agricultural mechanization, rural economic system reform and rural economic development in more than 30 years, this paper discusses the prospect of agricultural mechanization in China by using scientific prediction methods. The article points out that the development of China’s agricultural mechanization in 2000 will be the selective mechanization centered on economic benefits with the priority of mechanized objects and operations and the reasonable speed of development in areas and regions. Agricultural mechanization will further break through the narrow range of planting mainly for field operations and shift to the prenatal, mid-delivery and post-natal links in many sectors of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. Rural sideline, especially agricultural and sideline products processing, transport mechanization will be given priority to development. The main grain and cash crops for land preparation, irrigation and drainage, plant protection, threshing and other basic mechanization, other operations will also be rapid development. Poultry industry in the chickens, cattle, pigs, sheep and feed industry feed processing industry in the feed, pellet feed mechanization will focus on development. Forestry machinery will focus on the development of forest management, forestation and processing machinery. Fishery machinery will focus on the development of aquaculture machinery, preservation, storage and processing machinery. The article mentions that the total power of agricultural machinery will reach 480 million horsepower in 2000, of which about 135 million horsepower will be used for agricultural tractors, 5,000-700 million horsepower for agricultural vehicles, 114.5 million horsepower for irrigation and drainage and about 140 million horsepower for rural workforce. The article also analyzes the macroeconomic effects of the development of agricultural mechanization and puts forward seven strategic measures for its development.