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Lanping basin is located between Lancangjiang fault and Jinshajiang fault. Himalayan movement is the important tectogenesis, during which the activity of mid\|alkali magma is strong. For a long time,
The Yulong supper\|large copper deposit is situated within the well\|known S\|N striking Yulong copper\|molybdenum ore belt. The ore\|bearing biotite\|monogranitic porphyry was emplaced within clastic
Ophiolites along the indus Suture Zone (ISZ) are important not only for the information they provide about the India\|Eurasia collision,but may also contain economic mineral deposits (chrome,noble met
The northern Tibet plateau is the core of generalized Qinghai—Tibet plateau. The main part of Qiangtang—Changdu massif, which is 45×10 4km 2 and more than 5000m in altitude, conforms to the northern
From Octobet 1998 to January 1999,5 earthquakes ( M s≥5) occurred between Ninglang and Yanyuan counties (27°07′~27°12′N,100°40′~101°00′E area).They were situated in 140km southwest of the Xichang
As one of the major projects of GAME (GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment), the GAME\|Tibet aimed to mainly examine the energy and water cycle in Tibetan Plateau and its effects on Asian monsoon. In this p
During the Sino\|American Expedition to Mt. Qomolangma in May 1997, a 41m ice core was recovered from an elevation of 6500m from the northern branch firn basin of the Far East Rongbuk Glacier in Mt. E
Tibet Plateau has uplifted greatly in the Late Cenozoic era (Li Jijun et al., 1979; Sun Honglie, 1996; Shi Yafeng et al., 1998). The uplift will unquestionably influence the environment and climate of
Chemical records were recovered from snow pits samples collected over the two transects (south\|north transect and southeast\|northwest transect) of the Qinghai—Tibetan plateau. It shows that the mean
In its upper and middle course, the Kali Gandaki river in Western Nepal flows across the Himalayan ranges more or less following tectonic lineaments (NNE—SSW). In this paper we focus our attention on