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凝结着呼兰县修志工作者的10几年心血和智慧的160余万字的《呼兰县志》,于1994年由中华书局出版了.这是呼兰县人民文化生活中的一件大喜事,是呼兰县精神文明建设史上的一件大事,值得庆贺!在《呼兰县志》的评稿会上,大家分析认为,《呼兰县志》是有希望创“省优”、“国优”的一部县志.呼兰曾是江省首县,黑龙江最早开发的五城之一,素有“江省邹鲁”、“满洲谷仓”之誉.特别是呼兰县是举世闻名的进步女作家萧红的故乡.这些是县志创优在内容方面的优势.由于其领导高度重视县志的编修工作,县志办编辑力量强,主编水平高,加上志稿的基础好,资料特别丰富,观点的把握、体例的规范、文字的表述等等也都不错.所以,只要博采众议,认真修改,是能够修成在全国有一定地位和影响的优秀县志的.拜读《呼兰县志》,深感呼兰县修志工作者不负众望,笔者认为,这是能够代表黑龙江当代县志编修高水平的一部县志. The “Hulan County Chronicles,” a collection of more than 1.6 million words of painstaking effort and wisdom, dating back to 10 years of Hiragana volunteers’ work in Hulan County was published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1994. This is a happy event in the people’s cultural life in Hulan County, It is worth celebrating in the history of spiritual civilization construction in Hulan County. At the review conference of “Hulan County”, everybody thinks that “Hulan County” is hopeful of “provincial superiority”, “national superiority” Hulan was the first county in Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang earliest development of one of the five cities, known as “Jiang Zou Lu”, “Manchuria barn” reputation.Especially Hulan County is a world-renowned progress writer Xiao Hong’s hometown. these are the County of excellence in terms of content advantage because of its leadership attaches great importance to the work of editing County, the County Office editing strong force, high-level editor, plus a good basis Chi draft, particularly rich in information, grasp the ideas, norms style, text expression, etc. are good. so, as long as the gathering rather controversial, serious modifications, is capable of coming into the country have a certain status and influence of outstanding County of. I read, “Hulan County,” Deep sense Hulan County Chi workers live up to expectations, I think , Which is able to represent a high level of county magazines on behalf of contemporary county magazines in Heilongjiang province.
中国社科院2009年底发布经济蓝皮书称,我国房价收入比超出合理承受范围,85%的家庭无能力买房,2009年城镇居民收入房价比达到8.3倍,大大超出合理承受范围。 According to the
本文分析了ZG30MnSi与HARDOX450的焊接性,并通过焊接工艺试验评定两者的焊接,得到铸钢与超高强钢合理而科学的焊接工艺。 This article analyzes the weldability of ZG30Mn