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彩虹飞来为天桥,巨龙卧波笑海风。5月1日下午3时40分,随着仪仗车队南北双向对开,世界上最长的跨海大桥——杭州湾跨海大桥试运营通车。这一长江三角洲一体化进程中的重要时刻,将永留史册。十几枚礼炮齐发,漫天彩带飘舞在杭州湾跨海大桥南通航孔上空。此刻,掌声雷动,颤动的是心、大桥和浪花。历经4年7个月的建设,这座当今世界最长、工程量最大的跨海大桥,终于要通车了。杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行设计、自行管理、自行建造、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑。 Rainbow fly for the bridge, dragon lying wave smile sea breeze. At 3:40 pm on May 1, the world’s longest cross-sea bridge, the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, was opened for trial operation as the guardship fleet bounced north-south. An important moment in the process of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta will remain forever. More than a dozen salute gun salute, sky streamers floating in the Hangzhou Bay Bridge over the sea hole. At the moment, thunderous applause, trembling heart, bridge and spray. After 4 years and 7 months of construction, the longest and most massive cross-sea bridge in the world today has finally opened to traffic. Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge is an oversize transportation infrastructure designed, self-managed, self-built and self-invested by China. It is an important milestone in the history of the construction of China’s sea-crossing bridges.
我们需要唱诗吗?我们需要特别的声音吗?我们需要全人类的心灵合唱吗? Do we need to sing? Do we need special sounds? Do we need a chorus of all human beings?
R S公司的新型超对数天线HL562是一种覆盖很宽频段的通用EMC测试天线:它是双锥和对数天线的复合体,能覆盖30M到3000MHz的频率范围。超对数天线HL562适用于干扰场强测试和敏感度测试。它结构紧凑,重量很轻,
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端庄雅洁,敦厚质朴,不多言语,这就是我所熟悉的蒋永义先生。 蒋先生生于1946年,江苏扬州人。自幼爱好书法篆刻,曾拜印坛耆宿蔡巨川为师;书法攻习秦篆,后追从林散老、孙龙老、