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小麦要高产,种好是基础,管好是关键。冬小麦从出苗到越冬主要是长根、叶、蘗等营养器官,制造的营养物质除供幼苗继续生长外,其余的贮藏起来供越冬返青生长使用。这一阶段的主攻目标是:在苗全苗匀的基础上,促根增蘗(指三叶大蘗达到成穗数要求)促弱苗、控旺苗、育壮苗提高冬前分蘗成穗率。凡个体茁壮、群体合理的都可算为壮苗。壮苗的综合标准为:(1) 冬前总茎蘗数相当于预期成穗数的1.5倍左右,北方旱地冬小麦的冬前总茎蘗数相当于预期成穗数2倍左右为宜;(2) 单株分蘖粗壮,不缺位,分蘖5个以上,其中三叶大蘗不少于3个;(3)根多而长,根比茎蘗数多,挺健洁白;(4) 叶片宽厚葱绿。今年我国北方大部分冬麦地区秋雨多,解 Wheat to high yield, good is the foundation, good management is the key. Winter wheat from emergence to winter is mainly long roots, leaves, tillers and other vegetative organs, in addition to the manufacture of nutrients to continue the growth of seedlings, the rest stored for the winter growth and use. The main objective of this stage is: on the basis of Miao Miao uniform, to promote tillering (refers to the three-leaf tiller to achieve the requirements of the number of spike) to promote weak seedlings, Wang control seedlings, seedling raising strong winter tiller panicle rate. Where the individual thriving, group reasonable can be considered strong seedlings. The comprehensive criteria for strong seedlings are as follows: (1) The total number of stems and tillers before winter equals to 1.5 times of the expected number of spikes, and the total number of winter stems and tillers before winter in northern dry land is about 2 times of the expected number of spike; 2) Single tiller is thick, not missing, more than 5 tillers, of which not less than three trilobate tillers; (3) more and more roots and more than the number of stems and tillers, very clean white; (4) leaves Thick green. Most of this year’s winter wheat in northern China more autumn, solution
在RHF/ 4 31G、RHF/ 6 31G和MP2 / 6 31G水平上 ,对 3 羟基 2 吡啶酮的气相、水分子作为催化剂参与的异构化反应进行了研究 .结果表明 ,气相异构难于进行 ,水分子作为催
目的:探讨子宫颈鳞状细胞癌组织中血管生成拟态(vasculogenic mimicry,VM)和EphA2(ervthropoietin producing hepatocelluar carcinoma a2)的表达及意义。   方法:收集子宫颈
AIM:To evaluate the feasibility of low contrast medium and radiation dose for hepatic computed tomography(CT) perfusion of rabbit VX2 tumor.METHODS:Eleven rabbi