统筹兼顾 突出重点 大力加强司法所建设

来源 :中国司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marquise
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按照中央关于加强“两所一庭”建设的精神,大力加强司法所建设,进一步夯实司法行政基层基础,是当前司法行政系统贯彻落实党的十六届四中全会精神,推动司法行政工作改革发展的一项重要的基础性工作。在最近召开的全国司法所建设工作会议上,张福森部长、吴爱英副部长分别作了重要讲话,再次强调指出,各级司法行政机关要从落实“三个代表”重要思想的高度,从政治和全局的高度,从加强党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位和执政基础的高度,充分认识加强司法所建设的重要性和紧迫性,坚持把加强司法所建设作为加强司法行政基层工作、夯实司法行政基层基础的重点工作和关键环节来抓紧抓好,不断提高司法所建设水平,推进司法行政事业深入发展。当前司法所建没面临重要发展机遇,各级司法行政机关 In accordance with the spirit of the Central Government on strengthening the building of “one court and two courts,” vigorously strengthening the building of the judiciary and further consolidating the grassroots foundation of judicial administration, the current system of administration of justice implements the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and promotes judicial administration An important foundation for reform and development. At the recent conference on the work of establishing a national judicial office, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Fushen and Vice Foreign Minister Wu Aiying made important remarks respectively. They stressed once again that the judicial administrative organs at all levels should, from the perspective of implementing the important thinking of the 'Three Represents, Political and overall situation, from the perspectives of strengthening the party's ability to govern and consolidating the party's ruling status and governing foundation, fully understand the importance and urgency of strengthening the construction of judiciary and insist on strengthening the building of the judiciary as a step toward strengthening grassroots work of judicial administration, Consolidate the key work and key links of grassroots administration of judicial administration, pay close attention to it, constantly improve the level of judicial construction, and promote the in-depth development of judicial administration. At present, the judiciary has not faced any important development opportunities and judicial administrative organs at all levels
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