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韩振起 H(?)n Zh(?)n q(?)(1934—1992)河北宁晋人.1961年毕业于中国人民大学历史档案系.历任河北省保定地区档案处干事,石家庄市文化局政治处副主任,石家庄市档案处(馆)处(馆)长,石家庄市档案局副处级巡视员.副研究馆员.发表有《当前城市基建档案工作问题刍议》、《把科技档案整顿好》、《大力开发档案信息资源积极为开放档案服务》等文.贺启露 H(?)、Q(?) l(?)u(1937—)四川万县人.女.1961年毕业于重庆大学机械系冶金厂机械设备专业.历任安徽省铜陵有色金属公司铜山铜矿选矿车间技术员;铜陵有色金属公司机械总厂生产科、科技科技术员,铜陵有色金属公司档案处工程师.副研究馆员.胡水银 H(?) Shu(?) y(?)n(1935—)安徽绩溪人.1954年毕业于安徽省机要学校.历任中共安徽省委办公厅机要处干事、秘书处文书科干事,安徽省直属机关革命领导小组干事,安徽省档案局业务指导处副处长.副研究馆员.发表有《推进科技档案工作社会化的重要途径》、《开发科技档案信息资源为搞活企业服务》,《企业档案工作要为企业上等级服务》等文.黄学悟 Hu(?)ng、Xu(?)、w(?)(1935—)广西桂林人.1955年毕业于鞍山钢铁工业学校,1961年北京电大物理系结业.历任北京钢铁研究院技术员,北京矿冶研究院技术员,马鞍山矿山研究院工程师? Han Zhenqi (?) Nzh (?) Nq (?) (1934-1992) Hebei Ningjin Ren graduated from Department of History and Archives of Renmin University of China in 1961. He used to work as Archives Officer of Baoding Prefecture in Hebei Province, Political Department of Cultural Bureau of Shijiazhuang Deputy director, Shijiazhuang Archives (Museum) Office (Museum), deputy director of Shijiazhuang City Archives inspectors. Associate Research Librarians. Published “the current urban infrastructure archives work on the issue,” “the scientific and technological archives rectification” , “Vigorously develop archives information resources actively open archives service.” He Qilu H (?), Q (?) L (?) U (1937-) Sichuan Wanxian people. Female 1961 graduated from the Chongqing University Department of Mechanical Metallurgical machinery and equipment professionals. Tongling Nonferrous Metals Company of Anhui Tongshan Copper beneficiation workshop technician; Tongling Nonferrous Metals Company Machinery Plant Production Division, science and technology technician, Tongling Nonferrous Metal Company archives engineer. Associate Librarian. (1935-) Jixi, Anhui Province, graduated from the confidential school in Anhui Province in 1954. He served successively as the chief officer of the General Office of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee, secretary of the Clerical Division of the Secretariat, Anhui Provincial organ directly under the leadership of the Revolutionary Leading Group, Archives Bureau of Anhui Province Deputy director of the guidance department. Associate research librarians. Published “to promote scientific and technological archives socialization an important way”, “development of science and technology information resources to invigorate the enterprise service”, “enterprise file service for the enterprise level service” and other articles Huang Xuewu Hu (?) Ng, Xu (?), W (?) (1935-) Guangxi Guilin graduated from Anshan Iron and Steel Industrial School in 1955 and graduated from Beijing TV University Physics Department in 1961. He used to be technician of Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing Mining and Metallurgical Research Institute technician, Maanshan Institute of Mining Engineer?
首钢1#氧化球团生产线采用链篦机-回转窑-环冷机工艺,其烟气脱硫采用脱硫除尘一体化的密相塔半干法脱硫技术。原生产原料85%为低硫自产磁精矿粉,设计进口烟气SO2含量≤800 mg
西藏自治区档案学会第一次会员代表大会于7月26日至29日在拉萨召开,宣布西藏自治区档案学会正式成立,并举行了第一次全区综合性档案学术讨论会。 西藏自治区的档案事业在自