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《青年报》讯,“2013年我不是一个读书人,很惭愧地告诉大家,这一年我几乎没读一本书。”莫言在杭州的这番言论,着实让人大跌眼镜。莫言不读书的缘由是显而易见的,他太忙了,忙到永远都在赶场子,而无法回到那“安静的书桌”。莫言是想读而不得,或许在他空下来之后会大量阅读。但据记者观察,在当今文坛,不少作家是存心 “Youth Daily” News, “2013 is not a scholar, I am ashamed to tell you that I almost did not read a book that year.” “Mo Yan’s remarks in Hangzhou really make people surprise. Mo Yan did not read the reason is obvious, he is too busy, always busy in the rush, and can not return to that ”quiet desk ". Mo Yan wants to read rather than, perhaps after he is empty will read a lot. However, according to reporter observation, in today’s literary world, many writers are tempted
The first measurement of impedance on free-standing diamond films from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz up to 300°C werereported. A wide range of chemical vapour deposition (C
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香港是个国际大都市,到处都显现出开放的理念,幼稚园同样以开放的心态真诚地与各种资源整合,其中家长资源具有一定的代表性。 Hong Kong is an international metropolis wi
An in-situ TiCp/Al composite was prepared by a thermal explosion/quick pressure method (TE/QP). The effect ofAl content on the reaction temperature as well as t
目的 :研究常州地区人群上颌窦底骨性分隔的发生率、部位和形态学特点,探讨上颌后牙缺失与骨性分隔的关系,以及对上颌窦内提升手术的指导意义。方法:选择124例研究对象,于术
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A kind of dry refractory sealing material has been developed to repair the fine cracks in coke oven chamber. With silica sand as the main raw material, the seal