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龙羊峡水电站位于青海省共和县和贵南县交界处,为黄河已规划河段上游的第一梯级。是一个以发电为主,兼顾防洪、灌溉、防凌,具有多年调节水库综合利用的大型水利枢纽工程。水库总库容247亿立米,有效库容180.5亿立米,平均年发电量60.3亿度。枢纽由拦河坝、泄水建筑物和电站厂房组成。河床主坝是砼重力拱坝,最大坝高178米,是目前我国已建和在建的最高的大坝和最大的水库。工程于1976年2月开始筹建,1977年12月导流隧洞开工,1979年底导流隧洞过水并完成截流。计划1984年蓄水,1985年第一台机组发电,1987年最后一台机组发电并完工。龙羊峡水电站的建设,对发展西北地区的工农牧业生产,开发黄河上游水利水电资源,都具有重大意义。 Longyangxia Hydropower Station is located at the junction of Gonghe County and Guinan County in Qinghai Province, which is the first step upstream of the planned reach of the Yellow River. Is a power generation, taking into account flood control, irrigation, anti-Ling, with many years to adjust the comprehensive utilization of reservoirs large-scale water conservancy project. The total reservoir capacity of 24.7 billion cubic meters, the effective storage capacity of 18.05 billion cubic meters, the average annual generating capacity of 6.03 billion degrees. Hub by the barrage, drainage structures and power plant components. The main dam of the riverbed is a concrete gravity arch dam with a maximum height of 178 meters. It is the tallest dam and the largest reservoir that have been built and under construction in our country. The project started construction in February 1976, and the diversion tunnel started in December 1977. At the end of 1979, the diversion tunnel passed the water and completed the river closure. The plan was to impound water in 1984, the first unit in 1985 to generate electricity, and the last unit in 1987 to generate electricity and be completed. The construction of Longyangxia Hydropower Station is of great significance to the development of industrial and agricultural animal husbandry in the northwest region and the development of hydropower and hydropower resources in the upper reaches of the Yellow River.
In this paper, a vacuum system is employed to compare the emission stabilities of the same ZnO cathode in a sealed field emission (FE) device and under ultrahig
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在我国,三资企业多从海外引进技术,而江苏中大集团则以其设计新颖、性能优异的烤漆房吸引了外商投资,并迅速将产品推向国际市场。 被誉为“黄海之滨升起的一颗新星”的江苏