
来源 :军队政工理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buyaowenwo123456
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党的十八大奏响了加快建设社会主义法治国家的最强音。军队必须牢记习主席关于依法治军、从严治军是强军之基的指示要求,增强运用法治方式的自觉性坚定性,深刻理解法治方式的精髓要义和着力提高运用法治方式的实践要求,推动部队建设在法治轨道上全面发展。 The 18th CPC National Congress has played the strongest voice in accelerating the building of a socialist country ruled by law. The army must bear in mind Chairman Xi’s directives on stepping the army by law and strictly controlling the military as the foundation of strengthening the military, enhance the conscientiousness and firmness of using the rule of law, deeply understand the essence and essence of the rule of law and strive to improve the practical requirements of using the rule of law, Construction in an all-round development on the track of law.
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[目的]探讨维吾尔族、汉族两民族子痫前期患者血浆总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy) 及其代谢因子叶酸( FA) 、维生素B12( Vit B12) 水平差异及与其病情轻重程度的关系.[方法]选择维、汉
党的群众路线教育实践活动要在基层落地生根、开花结果,必须牢记根本、狠抓重点、突出核心、注重关键,在结合渗透中不断增强活动成效。 The mass line education practice o