多相脂质体“139”自应用于临床观察发现有保护免疫功能作用,本病史摘要介绍如下。 患者周某,男,56岁。于1984年10月22入院。患者于83年8月起出现右大腿内侧疼痛,造影证实为右下肢深静脉广泛性血栓形成。于84年10月10日起,在无明显诱因下出现中下腹疼痛,腹痛呈持续性,阵发性加重,有时伴牵拉感,无向肩背部及会阴部放射,不伴发热、恶心、呕吐腹泻,来院就诊。患者每于腹痛加剧时,单用阿托品不能缓解,需用强痛定后暂时缓解。入院后检查发现其胸壁及腹壁静脉怒张,左足
Multiphasic liposomes “139” since the clinical observation found that the protection of immune function, the history of this disease are summarized below. Patient Zhou, male, 56 years old. In 1984 October 22 admission. The patient developed pain in the right thigh since August 83 and angiography confirmed extensive thrombosis of the deep veins in the lower extremity. From October 10, 84 onwards, there was no obvious incentive to appear under the abdominal pain, abdominal pain was persistent, paroxysmal increase, sometimes with a sense of pull, no shoulder and perineal shoulder radiation, without fever, nausea, Vomit diarrhea, to the hospital. Patients aggravate abdominal pain, the use of atropine alone can not be alleviated, the need to temporarily relieve pain after the set. After admission examination found that the thoracic and abdominal wall vein engorgement, left foot