我们要的只是一条政策 全国人大代表关彦斌、陆春云辨症医药产业发展困局

来源 :首都食品与医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changsj
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今年两会期间,关于放开药品价格、合理开展化学药品一致性评价、支持创新药发展等问题,再度引起医药卫生领域专家、学者的广泛共鸣。长久以来,“唯价格论”的药品招标模式,创新药品翘首多年却始终进不了医保目录,临床急需的孤儿药苦于繁琐的审批程序无法上市等问题,使得药品生产企业与政府部门之间的矛盾逐渐激化,其结果不仅使广大民众的用药需求仍得不到有效满足, During this year’s NPC and CPPCC session, questions on drug prices liberalization, rational evaluation of chemical consistency and support for the development of innovative drugs have once again aroused widespread resonance among experts and scholars in the field of medical and health care. For a long time, the drug bidding model of “only price theory ”, innovative drugs for many years has never been able to enter the medical insurance directory, the orphan drug urgently needed in clinical tedious approval process can not be listed and so on, making the drug manufacturing enterprises and government departments Gradually intensified the contradictions. As a result, not only the demand for medication of the general public still can not be effectively met,
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