Relationship Between the Processing Parameters and the Properties of Semi-solid Processed Al Alloys

来源 :特种铸造及有色合金 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoaiping0322
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Relationship between the processing parameters and the properties of semi-solid processed Al alloys were studied and microstructure and mechanical properties of semi-solid processed Al parts for automobile application as a function of processing parameters were compared with those of die-cast parts and forged parts. In addition, the locations for the gate during the semi-solid processing were varied to elucidate the distribution of micro-porosities and resulting mechanical properties and the T6 heat treatment on the semi-solid processed part was performed so that the effect of heat treatment on the improvement of mechanical properties could be evaluated in terms of tensile strength, wear properties, etc. Microstructure of semi-solid processed Al part did not show any noticeable micro pores as compared to the microstructure of die-cast part. T6 heat treatment on A319 alloys has greatly improved the hardness as well as the wear resistance. Semi-solid processed A319 part showed slightly higher hardness val Relationship between the processing parameters and the properties of semi-solid processed Al alloys were studied and microstructure and mechanical properties of semi-solid processed Al parts for automobile application as a function of processing parameters were compared with those of die-cast parts and forged parts . In addition, the locations for the gate during the semi-solid processing were varied to elucidate the distribution of micro-porosities and resultant mechanical properties and the T6 heat treatment on the semi-solid processed part was performed so the effect of heat treatment on the improvement of mechanical properties could be evaluated in terms of tensile strength, wear properties, etc. Microstructure of semi-solid processed Al part did not show any noticeable micro pores as compared to the microstructure of die- cast part. T6 heat treatment on A319 alloys has greatly improved the hardness as well as the wear resistance. Semi-solid processed A319 part showed slightly h igher hardness val
本课程采用基于学习情境的教学模式,把教学和工作过程结合在一起,开发了与生产过程结合的学习情境,教学时以典型的故障案例作为载体,构建一个完整的工作过程,每个学习情境都包含资讯、决策、计划、实施、检查、评估六个步骤,从而培养学生的专业能力、方法能力和社会能力。  一、基于学习情境为导向的课程开发理念  本课程在汽车运用工程系教师赴德进修学习基础上,根据教育部专家姜大源教授提出的“基于工作过程的课程开发
一、基本情况2001年全国业余体校游泳教练员学习班于6月3日至9日在辽宁省兴城市举办 ,由辽宁省游泳运动管理中心具体承办。来自全国12个省市的业余体校游泳教练员共有82人参加了这次全国