
来源 :饲料与畜牧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a3392919
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在发展畜禽养殖产业过程中,由于畜禽养殖管理不善而产生的环境污染问题,是畜禽产业规模化及可持续化发展所面临的重大挑战之一,同时也给生态带来严重影响。近些年,随着国家对畜禽产业发展的政策扶持力度不断加大,畜禽养殖行业规模日渐拓展,但与此同时,也加剧了畜禽养殖给生态环境带来的威胁。基于此,研究畜禽养殖产业环境污染现状存在的问题及其主要致因,并根据问题及成因提出相应的解决对策建议,有助于促进畜禽养殖产业良性、健康的发展。 In the process of developing the livestock and poultry breeding industry, the environmental pollution caused by the poor management of livestock and poultry breeding is one of the major challenges for the large-scale and sustainable development of the livestock and poultry industry, and also has a serious ecological impact. In recent years, with the increasing policy support from the state on the development of livestock and poultry industries, the scale of the livestock and poultry breeding industry has been expanding day by day. At the same time, however, the threat to livestock and poultry farming to the ecological environment has also been aggravated. Therefore, it is necessary to study the existing problems and the main causes of environmental pollution in the livestock and poultry breeding industry and to put forward corresponding solutions and suggestions according to the problems and causes, which will help promote the healthy and sound development of the livestock and poultry breeding industry.
我们于1982~1984年收治3例经CT证实的多发性腔隙性梗塞。报告如下: 例1、男、45岁。二年前首次短暂发作右肢体无力、失语,而后渐进性两下肢无力、动作笨拙、迟钝、不协调、表
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一名16岁墨西哥男少年,因感染福氏纳格勒阿米巴,引起原发性阿米巴性脑膜脑炎。1978年8月夏,病人曾在一个污浊、不流动 A 16-year-old male Mexican boy, caused by infecti
营养不良和神经元性肌病的血清肌酸激酶(S- Malnutrition and neuron myopathy Serum creatine kinase (S-